Frozen At Sea

Cod Loins on a slate board

Frozen at sea


Our Frozen At Sea (FAS) products reflect the epitome of freshness. The fish is caught, processed, filleted and frozen out at sea, maintaining the powerful flavours and textures. There’s no fresher tasting fish available unless you were to catch, cook and eat your own fish on the same day.



The term ‘frozen at sea’ is quite self-explanatory, but it doesn’t explain just how fresh our fish are when they’re frozen. When the fish is caught offshore, it is processed and frozen immediately, usually onboard a large fishing vessel, at a temperature of -40 degrees within a few hours. This procedure reduces the natural oxidation and preserves ultimate freshness, preventing microbial growth and the loss of nutrients.



Freezing fish in this way allows us to offer seasonal fish all year, meaning you can rely on Sykes for your seafood delivery at any time of the year. Frozen At Sea contains more vitamins and minerals compared to fresh chilled fish because it’s frozen the moment it’s caught, meaning it locks in all those nutrients.