Privacy Policy

Ocean waves in the sun

Ownership & Operation


Sykes Seafoods is a trademarked brand of ADRD Holdings Ltd. and is therefore responsible for this website, referred to throughout this document as ‘Site’. We take the privacy of all users of this site seriously. This Privacy Policy sets out the data processing practices carried out through your use of this Site and any other electronic communications networks provided by Sykes Seafood Ltd. You should read this policy in conjunction with the Terms of Use of this Site, and with which this Privacy Policy coincides. If you have any requests concerning your personal information or any queries with regard to this Privacy Policy, please contact us at by email or contact us on 0333 444 1862.





As Sykes Seafoods is an E-Commerce platform, also known as electronic commerce or internet commerce, which refers to the buying and selling of goods or services using the internet, and the transfer of money and data to fulfil such transactions. Due to the nature of this Site, we, therefore, have to collect a number of key details of personal information.


We aim to comply with our legal obligations under the Data Protection Act 2018 (the ‘2018 Act’) and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (‘GDPR’) in respect of all aspects of data privacy and security. We, therefore, have a duty to notify you of the information contained in this policy.


This policy outlines:

(a).  how we will hold and process your information; and

(b).  your rights as the data subject.


A Data Privacy Manager has been appointed to oversee all compliance with this privacy notice. If you wish to communicate any questions or request to exercise your legal rights regarding this privacy policy, then please contact the Data Privacy Manager via the details provided at the end of this policy.



Data Collection


By using the services on this Site, and/or by accepting this policy, you give your unambiguous consent for us to process your personal information for the purposes outlined in this policy. We have ensured to have all of the appropriate security measures in place to protect your personal information.


You are only entitled to submit information about yourself, not to submit the personal information of others. If your personal data is inaccurate or no longer current, it is your duty to keep us informed of any personal data changes.


If you contact us but fail to provide certain personal data upon request; we may not be able to help you investigate the issue or respond/resolve any queries.


Whilst none of our Site or online presence is to be directed in whole or in part to persons under 18 (“Child” or “Children”). We do not and will not knowingly collect information from any unsupervised child. Children need to inform their parents/legal guardians and ask for their consent to participate in or to use services on our Site.



How Is Your Personal Data Collected?


When registering for an account with us, we must ask you for a number of personal information to provide you with access to our products and services. When registering for an account we will ask you for only necessary information, including your name, delivery and billing address, business name and type, your role within the company, and payment-related information. By providing us with this relevant information, it allows you to create an account to access the full services available on Sykes Seafoods. You are under no obligation to provide this information, but in doing so you will not be able to view prices or create orders.


We also collect personal information when you provide it to us when using our Site. This includes when you sign-up to receive marketing communications and/or when you contact us regarding customer service queries. When implementing orders on our Site, we will also require confirmation of personal information in order for us to process your purchase. This may include a relevant name, address, email address, telephone number and payment-related information.


We may also automatically collect additional information about you through the use of our Site. However, this information does not personally identify you to us. For example, we automatically track information such as your Internet Service Provider, your shortened IP address, your browser version, and your operating system. We use this information to monitor our Sites’ performance, utilisation of features, services, traffic and demographic trends, and browser versions. All of this is done as a way to help us analyse and improve our Site and services in order to tailor them to discovered interests. This information will be aggregated so as to not identify you as an individual unless you identify yourself.



How We Use Personal Data


We process personal information collected via the Site for the purposes of allowing you to use our products and services. This is only done by the agreement of the participant by inputting their information to the Site.


We have detailed incidents in the ways in which we plan to use your personal information:

·        To complete the new customer registration process;

·        To process and fulfil your order, including payment management and delivery;

·        To enable us to contact you in the order process stages;

·        To notify you of any changes to your order or delivery;

·        To manage our relationship with you, including notifying you of any changes to our policies;

·        To gain a greater understanding of the ways you interact with our Site;

·        To use in relation to our data analytics management; and

·        To provide you with information, offers, and news, if you’ve signed up for our Marketing features.



We are always looking to improve the products and services that we offer. To do this, we may, from time to time, contact you to solicit your opinions and views provided that you have given your explicit consent. Your participation in these surveys is wholly voluntary.


In certain instances, we may have to disclose your personal information where required to respond to authorised requests from governmental authorities, or where required by law. When doing so, we may also have to disclose your personal information where it is necessary to enforce our T&C’s, Privacy Statement, or similar agreements. In instances when this is required, it is to investigate or protect the rights, safety or property of our business, products, or services, customers, partners or distributors, or to protect or take action regarding illegal activities or fraud.



Marketing & Cookies


We use Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by a third-party company (“Google”), on our Site.  Google Analytics installs cookies to analyse how the Site is used, it uses cookies to define user sessions, as well as to provide a number of key features in the Analytics reports. Google Analytics sets or updates cookies only to collect data required for the reports and uses only first-party cookies. This means that all cookies set by Google Analytics for your domain send data only to the servers for your domain. This effectively makes Google Analytics cookies the personal property of your website domain, and the data cannot be altered or retrieved by any service on another domain.


You are not obliged to accept any cookies and most browsers allow you to decline the acceptance of cookies. You have the ability to choose whether you give consent for the use of cookies on our Site as set out in this Privacy and Cookies Policy when you first access the Site. Should you decide not to allow cookies and want to turn them off, please adjust your cookie settings and look at the ‘Help’ or ‘Settings’ menu on your browser or contact your system administrator.


The information generated by those cookies about your use of our Site and your current IP address will be transmitted by your browser to and will be stored by Google on servers in the United States and other countries. Google will use this information on our behalf for the purpose of evaluating your use of this Site, compiling reports on activity and providing other services relating to site activity and internet usage to us. The IP address collected through Google Analytics will not be associated with any other data held by Google. You may choose to disable or block the Google cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser.  If you do this, you may not be able to use the full functionality of our Site. You may download and install the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on available on the Google website.


If you wish to access, rectify, cancel and/or object to the use of your data in any of the ways we have detailed in this Privacy Policy and/or you object to us contacting you by the methods referred to above then please contact us by email at or contact us on 0333 444 1862.


From time to time, we may update this Privacy Policy. Should this happen, we will detail the changes at the start of this statement. Please check here regularly for any updates to this Privacy Policy.



Data Retention


The company has measures in place to protect the security of your data in accordance with this policy.


The personal information collected about you for our Site will be stored on servers located in the USA. It may also be processed by our staff or our service providers. We have implemented optimum safeguards to protect your personal information.


It is the company’s responsibility to ensure that the requirements set out within this policy are being adhered to and to ensure that it complies with statutory, legal, and co-operate governance best practice requirements. Unless otherwise specified, this segment refers to any and all soft copy, and hard copy documents of the information held or generated in relation to your information.


All information that is no longer required will be eliminated as quickly as possible in an authorised and systematic manner. We will only hold data for as long as necessary and for the purposes for which we collected it.


In order to determine the appropriate retention period for personal data, we take into consideration the amount, purpose, and sensitivity of the data.



Data Breaches


We have robust measures in place to minimise and prevent data breaches from occurring. Should a breach of personal data happen (whether in respect of you or someone else), then we must take note and keep evidence of the breach. If the breach is likely to result in a risk to the rights and freedoms of individuals, then we must also notify the Information Commissioner’s Office within 72 hours. If you are aware of a data breach, you must contact the company’s Data Privacy Manager immediately and keep all evidence you have in relation to the breach.


We recognise that data security breaches are increasingly common occurrences, whether these are caused by human error or via malicious intent. As technology trends change and the creation of data and information grows, there are more emerging ways by which data can be breached.


The company needs to have in place a robust and systematic process for responding to any reported data security breaches, to ensure it can act responsibly and protect its information assets as far as possible. The aim is to ensure that in the event of a data breach, we have a legally compliant system in place to respond to any reported data breach incidents and ensure that they are appropriately logged and managed in accordance with best practice guidelines.


Any confirmed or suspected data security breaches should be reported promptly to the company’s Data Protection Officer. The report should include full and accurate details of the incident, including who is reporting the incident and what classification of data is involved. Once a data breach has been reported, an initial assessment will be made to establish the severity of the breach. All data security breaches will be centrally logged on a Data Breach register to ensure appropriate oversight of the types and frequency of confirmed incidents for management and reporting purposes.



Data Subject Rights


You have the right to access your own personal data by way of a subject access request; you can also correct any inaccuracies in your personal data. You also have the right to request that we erase your personal data where we were not entitled under the law to process it or it is no longer necessary to process it for the purpose it was collected. To do so you should contact the company’s Data Protection Officer.



Data Privacy Manager


You have the right to make a complaint, at any time, to the Information Commissioner’s Office ( However, we would appreciate the opportunity to deal with your concerns prior to approaching the ICO.



Changes To This Privacy Note


We may make changes to this Privacy Notice from time to time. Should this happen, we will detail the changes at the start of this statement.